[Veltzeh]: 39.Workshops.BBC.Characterization List

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2007-05-29 13:55:15

1. Choose a gender.

2. Choose a place of birth.
A small galanfetzcan village.

3. Choose a hobby.
Helping those who are in need.

4. Choose a past job.

5. Choose a present job.
Intelligence gatherer.

6. Choose a past love interest.
A much older peaceful politician.

7. Choose an enemy.
See above.

8. Why is your character not working at the old job?
Didn't have one.

9. Why is your character not with the old love interest?
It was an attempt to advance eir career and the other one wasn't happy about being used.

10. Why does your character not make the hobby a profession?
Ey thinks gathering intelligence is more important.

11. How did your character make the enemy?
Ey thought ey was in love and tried to use the other in order to advance in eir career.

12. What is the one thing in the world your character would do anything to avoid? Why? What has he already done to avoid this? What do you see him doing in the future to avoid it?
War. Ey does everything ey can to avoid and prevent all kinds of wars. Ey's gathered intelligence, revealed secrets and even killed certain people in order to prevent wars.

13. What is the one thing in the world your character would do anything in the world to have? Why? What has he already done to try to obtain it? What does he hope to try in the future?
Peace. See above.

14. Where did they grow up?
In a small galanfetzcan village and an area or garandals and nacrans.

15. Where do they live now?
In a somewhat large galanfetzcan city, but ey's traveling in femehan areas.

16. How do they vote, or don't they bother (if they are old enough)?
Just like everyone else, and ey's very enthusiastic about it.

17. How many siblings do they have - any older, any younger?
Had some, were separated, and have no need to get in touch.

18. Are their parents still alive?

19. What do/did their parents do?
They were hunters.

20. Where did they go to school, and what was their favorite subject?
Ey was taught by eir parents and other older galanfetzcans. Ey liked singing best.

21. Who was their best friend, and have they kept in touch?
Many of eir friends have died in conflicts, but ey met eir current best friend as a teen and has been with em ever since.

22. Who was their favorite relative, and why?
Parents, because they protected em.

23. Do they/did they get on with their parents?

24. What is their favorite food, and what would they never eat for all the tea in China?
A leaf-like fruit that grows in mountainy areas. Ey would never be a cannibal.

25. Favorite drink?
Water, or juice from eir favorite fruit.

26. Favorite color?

27. Regional accent?
Since ey has traveled much, ey only has a generic accent and most often tries to hide even that. However, ey speaks common Gomanian with a Galan accent.

28. What do they do for a living - and what is their dream job?
At home, ey meddles with politics and gathers intelligence, and elsewhere ey either steals, does something very general or performs far-walker services.

29. Do they have a partner, and if so, how did they meet?
Yes, three in fact. The first one was eir best friend, and the other two they became friends with once they had moved to the large galanfetzcan city.

30. What is the closest they have ever come to dying?
When eir home was destroyed by jinhaliares. Ey wasn't even wounded.

31. How do they spend their weekends?
Like all other days.

32. What are their tastes - and would they be different if they had unlimited money to spend?
Ey likes cleanliness and complicated clothes. Ey would want a slightly better home if ey could afford it.

33. What is the name of your character?
Availon Gandeheilei.

The Physical:

1. How tall are they?
146 cm.

2. How old, precisely?
408 years (49 Earth years), born in winter.

3. What color is their hair - and is it natural?
Dark violet, and proper dye does not exist.

4. Eyes – color, size, sunken, protuberant, heavy lidded?
Somewhat large (normal for galanfetzcans) blue eyes.

5. Skin color?
Light violet, but not as light as lavender. Ey has darker patterns on eir face and limbs.

6. What do they like to wear?
Mostly shorts, sleeveless tunics and good shoes.

7. Picture them walking down a street - how do they move?
At eir home, relaxedly and with a sense of purpose, usually not in a hurry. Elsewhere, somewhat cautiously, looking around.

8. Give them an outstanding feature - something that will always identify them: a birthmark, a scar, big ears, a big nose or small feet – the first thing somebody would notice when they saw them.
Among galanfetzcans it would have to be the really radical hairstyle. Among others, the fact that ey is a galanfetzcan.

9. Something they would never go out without – the more unusual you make this, the more your character will take shape.

Availon is a short, light violet -skinned galanfetzcan with a funny haircut. Ey wears remarkably little clothing and stares right through the people ey lays eir eyes upon. Ey speaks too formally and straightforwardly and has intelligence to share. Ey seems mystic to members of other races, but is in fact less "mysterious" than the other mmbers of eir race.

2007-05-29 Veltzeh: And at this moment I had to construct a time system for Kyerrion and convert the numbers from 10-base to 8-base. Go me.

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